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  • New Orleans Gentlemen’s Club
  • Ul. Kaprów 19d
  • 80-316
  • http://www.neworleans.pl
  •  Gdańsk

New Orleans Gentlemen’s Club

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For Adults: Admission to New Orleans Club and even 750 zl to Spend in the Bar


389 zł

169 zł
Oferta archiwalna

UWAGA! Poniższa oferta jest ofertą archiwalną i nie jest już aktywna.

Oferta straciła ważność dnia: 2012-06-12 i prezentujemy ją w celach poglądowych.
Jeżeli szukasz ofert o podobnej tematyce, to skorzystaj z opcji: i gdy tylko pojawi się podobna oferta, to powiadomimy Cię o tym.



  • Admission for one, three or five people
  • 150 zl, 450 zl or 750 zl to spend in the bar
  • 50 zl for private dance
  • 1,3 or 5 free main courses from the menu
  • Over 600 kinds of  top brands alcohols
  • Amazing dancers
  • Refined cuisine


  • Groupon valid from 13th June to 13th July and available after purchase in „My vouchers” tab (see top right hand corner)
  • The offer includes 1 out of 3 options:1)      169 zl instead of 398 zl for admission for one person, 150 zl to spend in the bar, 1 free main course from the menu and 50 zl for private dance2)      429 zl instead of 1167 zl for three people, 450 zl to spend in the bar, 3 free main courses from menu and 50 zl for private dance for each guest3)      599 zl instead of 1945 zl for five people, 750 zl to spend in the bar, 5 free main courses from menu, 50 zl for private dance for each guest
  • The choice is made when purchasing the offer
  • The offer available from 21 years. Casual dress code required
  • Vouchers cannot be combined
  • Offer does not include menu for hostesses
  • Club reserves the right  not to enter drunk or not obeying the rules guests.
  • Admission to New Orleans Club in Gdansk for one, three or five people from 169 zl OFFER AVAILABLE only for full legal age persons. There are several issues that a real gentlemen can not be familiar with, because he would not be a gentlemen anymore.   With today voucher, you will not experience such phenomenon for sure, but you will be able to take advantage of numerous sensation that are offered by the New Orleans Club. You can choose 1 out of 3 options:
  • 1)      169 zl instead of 398 zl for admission for one person, 150 zl to spend in the bar, 1 free main course from the menu and 50 zl for private dance,
  • 2)      429 zl instead of 1167 zl for three people, 450 zl to spend in the bar, 3 free main courses from menu and 50 zl for private dance for each guest,
  • 3)      599 zl instead of 1945 zl for five people, 750 zl to spend in the bar, 5 free main courses from menu, 50 zl for private dance for each guest.
  • Special place, special menu
  • New Orleans Gentlemen's Club &
  • Restaurant is an exclusive place which is famous from its great reputation, as well as which enjoys great recognition. We believe that each client is unique and special, therefore should be served in the most effective way. An impressive bar – one of the greatest in Europe – offers over 600 kinds of top brand alcohols, including 120 kinds of whisky  single malt, as well as the longest list of champagnes in Poland. The restaurant offers wide range of sea food, delicacies of Polish cuisine and real steaks.
  • Amazing dancers
  • Phenomenal, sexy dancers who will provide every gentlemen  with unforgettable emotion. Those are distinguished, beautiful and intelligent women.  Some of them are interested in art, others in cars, however all of them are in love with dance and good fun. Sometime they are funny but sometimes very serious. Those our dancers who make our Club subtle, delicate and suitable for real gentlemen.
  • Warning:
  • Available content can be read only by full legal age person. By clicking below address you declare  you are a full legal age person interested in buying alcohol. Otherwise, do not enter the target site. You will not be able to finalized the transaction.  
  • Groupon informs that in accordance with the art.15 (1) lit.2 of the act  from 26 Oct. 1982r(O.J of 2007 No.70 ( 473) ). selling of alcohol to those below 18 years old is banned. Therefore, people under 18 years old will not be able to exchange voucher into a alcohol beverage, 

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